Making Your Kitchen More Attractive to Buyers
What's one of the most important rooms in your home? When it comes to
selling your property quickly, and for the best price, the answer is clearly the
kitchen. In fact, one of the most common explanations a particular buyer
gives for not making an offer is, "I liked the house, but I wasn't too keen on
the kitchen."
That doesn't mean you must do a major renovation. However, you should do
what you can to make the kitchen as attractive as possible to buyers.
Here are some ideas:
First, clear the countertops. Put away the toaster and other items. You want
to make the entire countertop area seem as spacious as possible.
If the cabinetry is old, you can spruce it up by installing new knobs, handles
and other hardware. A fresh coat of paint on the walls and ceiling can also
make the kitchen look like it has had a major renovation – and it will only cost
you a few hundred dollars. According to an article on the website,
"The fastest, most inexpensive kitchen updates include painting and new
cabinet hardware."
Replacing the countertops is a more expensive renovation, but it may be
worth it if the current counters are old and worn.
Finally, when preparing your kitchen for a viewing, make sure it's clean and
tidy. The garbage and recycling bins should be empty. Buyers will open
cabinets so make sure items on shelves are neatly organized with the front
labels facing forward.
There are many other ways to make the most important room in your home
look great to potential buyers. Call today for more ideas.
Making Your Kitchen More Attractive to BuyersWhat's one of the most important rooms in your home? When it comes toselling your property quickly, and for the best price, the answer is clearly thekitchen. In fact, one of the most common explanations a particular buyergives for not making an offer is, "I liked the house, but I wasn't too keen onthe kitchen."That doesn't mean you must do a major renovation. However, you should dowhat you can to make the kitchen as attractive as possible to buyers.Here are some ideas:First, clear the countertops. Put away the toaster and other items. You wantto make the entire countertop area seem as spacious as possible.If the cabinetry is old, you can spruce it up by installing new knobs, handlesand other hardware. A fresh coat of paint on the walls and ceiling can alsomake the kitchen look like it has had a major renovation – and it will only costyou a few hundred dollars. According to an article on the website,"The fastest, most inexpensive kitchen updates include painting and newcabinet hardware."Replacing the countertops is a more expensive renovation, but it may beworth it if the current counters are old and worn.Finally, when preparing your kitchen for a viewing, make sure it's clean andtidy. The garbage and recycling bins should be empty. Buyers will opencabinets so make sure items on shelves are neatly organized with the frontlabels facing forward.There are many other ways to make the most important room in your homelook great to potential buyers. Call today for more ideas.