Here are some simple things you can do to reduce the chances of a burglary. Worth a look
How to Reduce the Chance of a Burglary by 90%
No one wants to deal with a burglary. How do you reduce the chances of
one happening?
Fortunately, burglaries are a well-studied phenomenon — especially by law
enforcement. These studies have identified specific things you can do to cut
the risk dramatically. Here are some ideas:
• 34% of home break-ins occur through the front door. Experts
recommend investing in a door with a top-quality locking mechanism.
(The best are those that lock at three points of contact.)
• 50% of burglars will be deterred if your home has some sort of video
monitoring system. A thief doesn’t want his face on YouTube!
• Unfortunately, signs and window stickers warning of an alarm system
do not deter thieves. However, 62% of burglars will immediately run
away when an alarm goes off. Always turn on your alarm system
when you’re not home!
• 22% of burglaries occur through a sliding glass door or patio door.
Make sure it’s locked and also use a solid metal jammer.
• Some thieves use frequency scanners to gain access to garages.
Police recommend changing your remote entry code regularly and
putting blinds or curtains on garage windows so thieves can’t see
(and be tempted by) any valuables inside.
As you can see, there are many simple things you can do to reduce your
chances of a burglary dramatically. The effort is worth it.